The Federal Energy Policy Act requires states to develop training guidelines for three distinct classes of operators who operate and maintain federally regulated underground storage tank systems. Effective August 8, 2012, RSA 146-C:17-21 requires that all regulated facilities in New Hampshire have designated Class A, B and C operators who have been trained and certified in accordance with an approved training program.

The law requires all facilities to have at least one designated operator for each class. Class A operators will be designated by owners to have primary statutory and regulatory responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the facility. This class of operator could potentially be the facility owner or person in charge of the tank system. Class B operators will be designated by owners to implement applicable regulatory requirements as well as the daily aspects of the facility’s operation, maintenance, and recordkeeping. A maintenance person, an underground storage tank contractor, or consultant could potentially fill this class. Class C operators will be designated by the owner to have primary responsibility for responding to alarms, emergencies presented by spills or releases, and other problem associated with the operation of the facility. A store manager or maintenance person could potentially fill this class. Owners must designate the Class A and B operators to DES and post a list of Class C operators at their facility by August 8, 2012.

Currently, operators can attend the DES Underground Storage Tank Operator Training Class for training and certification as both Class A and B operators. Operators who have current certification with the International Code Council as an underground storage facility operator or underground storage facility system installer or retrofitter can also be considered Class A and B operators, respectively. Those trained and certified as Class A or B operators will be eligible to train Class C operators at their facilities. More training options for all operators will become available as DES receives submissions for operator training program approval.

The Staff at Gold Eagle Contracting, Inc. is ICC and State Certified in Aboveground tank, Underground tank, service, installation and removals. Our goal is to provide excellent service for all you site work needs.